God’s amazing wisdom

God’s amazing wisdom

God’s wisdom is a gift to us (Pro 2:6). Reading through proverbs again, I am truly amazed at all that comes with seeking God’s wisdom and following it. It protects us. It gives life and health. It brings peace and joy. It brings freedom from fear and shelters us in the storm. And God’s wisdom never runs out. He stores it away for His righteous ones (Pro 2:7), but it is freely given to anyone who seeks it.

So many good things are hidden in God’s wisdom, that we should seek it out on a daily basis. He has the answer for every situation we find ourselves in.

A number of years ago my spiritual mentor, Jan Patterson, taught us to pray “God, give me wisdom and understanding and discernment and knowledge and a Godly sensitive obedient heart.” For a long time I prayed that prayer every day, and I often still do. Not only do I see God answering my prayer, but my love and revelation of His word and His wisdom also grows daily.

We must choose to seek wisdom
God’s wisdom is often the opposite of the wisdom of this world and He wants us to search for it. He hides it away, but we will always find it if we truly desire to know His ways and follow them.

Satan tries to imitate God in many ways, but there is one place he can’t – in wisdom. Anytime he shows up in the Bible we see that he is truly unwise in his deception. He tries to make it sound rational, but anyone who has walked with God for a while and understands what Godly wisdom is, can see that none of Satan’s suggestions are wise. 

When he spoke to Eve, all he could do was, try to discount God’s words, “Did God really say…?” and try to sound smarter than God. But it is never wise to question what God has said. That is the whole basis for our faith, to trust and believe. “Whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.” Pro 1:33.

When Satan wanted to ruin Job to get him to turn away from God, the very first thing God told him was, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him, he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” (Job 1:8). God knows us better than anyone, so there was certainly no wisdom in trying to go against God like that. It just doesn’t make any sense. And in the end he could see that it didn’t work.

When Satan tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness in Luke 4, we see how Jesus actually used wisdom to defeat him. Taking scripture completely out of context and letting it stand alone, is never wise, and that is exactly what Satan tried to do. How could he think Jesus would fall for that? Because he had no concept of wisdom. Only deception and trying to rationalize. First he went after the immediate need – food. Trying to use pride in “being the son of God” to get Jesus to break his fast. But Jesus knew this time was about much more than food. And there was absolutely no wisdom in breaking the fast, just to prove something to Satan. Jesus had nothing to prove, and humility always wins over pride.

The second time Satan tried to use pride again. “You can have all this, if you will worship me”. Jesus already has it all – and in no way would anything be better if he worshiped Satan. Again He used the word of God with wisdom, “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only”. (Luk. 4:8).

The last one shows a total lack of wisdom on Satan’s part. “Throw yourself down and see if the scripture I quote to you – taken completely out of context – will hold” (my paraphrasing). It’s so completely without wisdom that I can almost imagine Jesus laughing at the devil at this point. He, of course, answers full of wisdom, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test”. (Luk. 4:12).

Where do we find God’s wisdom?
The wisdom of God is an amazing weapon against the enemy. But we must seek it out and be willing to follow. The enemy will always try to use reason to get us to do things out of pride or fear. But when we seek God with a humble heart, ready to do what He says, He will always show us a better way – a way where we act out of love and humility, knowing who we are in Him. Just like Jesus did.

James 1:5 says “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” The best place to find God’s wisdom is in the Bible. It’s the manual for life. But we must always read, allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal new things to us. Proverbs is full of practical advice, but any time we open the Word and seek to find Him with all our hearts, the Holy Spirit will give us what we need. 

“When wisdom wins your heart and revelation breaks in, true pleasure enters your soul.” (Pro 2:10 TPT).