In the midst of summer, sun, vacation and family time, I hear the Lord rededicate Himself to us. Not because His love for us was ever lost, but because we need to hear it again. No matter what has happened in our lives, whether we feel close to Him or not, you and I are still completely loved, cherished and accepted…
God gave us His very best when He sent Jesus. But are we giving Him our best in return? And if not, why is that? When we love someone deeply, giving them our first and best is no problem. So, if our relationship with God has become all about following rules or checking off a to-do list, something’s wrong…
God put something special on my heart this week. I believe it’s a word of encouragement for you and me, at this very moment. It starts with an old hymn and a scripture. “Turn your eyes upon JesusLook full in His wonderful faceAnd the things of earth will grow strangely dimIn the light of His glory and grace”Helen Howarth Lemmel…
We have a wonderful Heavenly Father who loves us so much, and who longs to be involved in every area of our lives. He longs to be with us in hard times and in good times. He wants to sit with us when we cry, and laugh with us when we rejoice. We can always come to Him. I have…
I love the peace and quiet in the morning, before anyone else is up. It has become my favorite time of day, to hang out with Jesus. It’s a great time to be grateful. A great time to listen to Him for the day, and to process anything that might still linger from the day before. His compassions never fail.…
Worship is one of the tools Jesus has given me to find joy every day. No matter what happens, I can choose to leave it all behind – even if just for a few minutes – and focus all my attention on His beauty, power and love. When I do this, He always gives me His perspective on things. Worship…