

Welcome to Rejoice Always

I created this website, and wrote these blog entries, during a very hard season of my life. I found myself in the “in-between”. Between the promise and the fulfillment. I had left what I had known and done for God for a long time, and was moving toward the next. But even though I believed He had good plans, and…

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God’s amazing wisdom

“When wisdom wins your heart and revelation breaks in, true pleasure enters your soul.” (Pro 2:10 TPT). God’s wisdom is a gift to us, and a weapon we can use. It gives life and health, peace and joy, freedom from fear and so much more. He stores it away for His righteous ones to seek out…

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Facing a wall of any kind in our lives can be discouraging. But God always has the key to take down that wall. He gave David a small stone in a sling. He sent Joshua on a seven-day march around the wall. He gave Gideon a trumpet and a torch that led to victory. It might not make sense in the eyes of the world, but God’s key will always bring victory…

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Every single one

Every single person in this world is important to God. When we step out to love, help or encourage one of His children, His joy overflows. When we work side by side with Him, and love people unconditionally, His joy will fill us…

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Delight yourself in the Lord

‘Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your hearts.’ Ps. 37:4 There is always more to learn about joy. New revelations in scripture. Even the passages we know so well God can open up and show us, like we’ve never seen them before.  This verse from Psalms is a favorite verse for many of…

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Nothing is impossible with God!

It’s incredible what a single verse in the Bible can do. The past few days joy, excitement, expectation, and anticipation has burned on the inside of me whenever I’ve thought of this verse. It started Saturday afternoon, when I asked God what to share for the Sunday service the following day, when I was leading the meeting. He gave me…

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The land of joy

Lately I’ve been listening to a book called ‘Visions beyond the veil’ by H. A. Baker, Rolland Baker’s grandfather. He describes how a group of Chinese children had some amazing encounters with Jesus. In visions they saw Heaven in great detail and several of them used a particular way to describe Heaven, that really stuck with me. They called Heaven…

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Rejoice Always!

‘Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!’ Phil. 4:4 In his letter to the Philippians, Paul uses the word “joy” or “rejoice” 16 times. Paul was in prison when he wrote this letter, and had suffered in many ways for Jesus. He had more than enough reasons to be sad, angry, bitter and depressed. Yet, he…

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