

I was reading the well-known story of David and Goliath, found in 1 Sam 17, this week. Goliath, the enemy, came out in full force to scare and intimidate. It reminded me of times in my life where I’ve come up against a wall, and it felt like the enemy was screaming in my face. Maybe you have also experienced this, at some point. The enemy points out the impossible, and it seems like you’ll never get past him.

But it’s all just a lie and a scare-tactic. Just like the Philistines send out their biggest warrior, Goliath, it might also feel like we are up against something big and scary. But the truth is, the devil is only making himself out to be something big and strong, when in reality he is just a small thing in God’s eyes. He tries to yell loudly at us, to scare us, and at times it might seem like it’s all we hear. But whenever we come back to God’s word, He will drown out the enemy’s noise.

The key to take down the giant
Just like God gave David a key to take down Goliath, He will also give us a key, when we seek Him. Saul and the Israelites were scared because they focused on the problem and tried to fix it in their own strength. Saul even promised a reward to get someone to go up against Goliath. But it was totally the wrong incentive. True boldness comes from hearing the word of God, not from a promised reward.

David was the only one who listened to God’s strategy. He had come up against giants before, although it was a different kind of giants, but he knew to listen for God’s direction in a situation like this. And God gave him the key to defeat the enemy. It probably looked crazy to everyone else, and Goliath even taunted him with it and said it wouldn’t work. But just like any other time in the Bible, when God won a battle by ‘crazy’ means, He did it here too. 

Gideon was asked to cut down his army from thirty-two thousand to three hundred men. With trumpets and empty pitchers with torches inside, they defeated the entire Midianite army. God gave them the right key and then He did the rest. Just like David, they trusted God, more than they trusted their own strength or logic. (Judges 7).

He brings the victory
“The battle belongs to the Lord” (1 Sam 17:47). God is always on our side and fighting for us. He will give us the key to defeat the giant screaming in our face. But we must listen to Him and trust Him to bring the victory. And then we must go with the key He gives us, no matter how strange it might look. Hearing His word gives boldness to go. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Jos 1:9)