It’s been one of those weeks where life was moving really fast. Every time I dealt with one issue, another one popped up. In that place it’s not easy to find the joy. Coming into God’s presence this morning, I was really drained for strength and I was unsure how or where to start yet another new day. But as I drew near, I heard His still small voice say, ‘Just be still. Don’t try to figure it out right now. Just be.’
No prayer, no reading, no processing or planning. Just an open heart of worship and gratitude rising up to Him, waiting on Him. Soaking in His goodness and love. Complete surrender. Total trust. Laying down in the river of life that runs from His temple as described Ezekiel 47.
At the end of myself
It’s not the first time I’ve been in this place and I’m sure it won’t be the last. At times it’s even been much worse. Fatigue, pain or sadness, stress or depression. Even when I use all my ‘tools’ and all I’ve learned to do in situations like this, I still seem to fall short. It’s getting harder to keep my arms raised, like Moses when Joshua was leading the Israelites in battle. (Ex. 17)
It feels like I’m coming to the end of myself. That place where only He can keep me going, and if He doesn’t, I have no idea how I will keep going. This is definitely not a fun place to be. But by now, I’ve been there so often that I know He always gets me back up.
I don’t think any of us enjoy feeling weak or powerless. But I always take comfort in this verse; ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’ (2 Cor. 12:9).
Not only does He give us His strength, when we are weak, but His power is actually made perfect in our weakness.
Being totally dependent
The more we can do on our own, the less we need His help. But that has never been His desire. He longs to be with us in everything we do, and when we are desperate for His help, His power always breaks through. In His up-side-down (or right-side-up) wisdom, being desperate and totally dependent on Him is actually a good place for us to be – as painful as it might be sometimes. He will never let us down and if we don’t try to fix it in our own strength or dull our pain, He will always come through when we wait on Him.
David had also been in many desperate situations, and even he could say: ‘I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.’ (Ps. 37:25).
It doesn’t always mean everything will change from one day to the next, but I have learned that He always gives me what I need for today. ‘Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.‘ (Matt. 6:34).
Step by step He walks us out of the troubled waters.
I can’t tell you how many times He has given me new ideas of how to handle everything that’s on my plate. How I can practically switch things around or start new routines. He has given me creative ways of combining things and plans, and maybe cutting something out I didn’t need. He is interested in every little detail of our lives, and He so wants us to succeed.
So, if you’re also in that place right now, I just want to encourage you that your Father is right there, and He will always get you out. He is so good and so faithful. Don’t give up. He has always come through for me, so I know He will come through for you as well.
Just be still and know that He is God (Ps. 46:10). Let His peace rule and reign, and joy will return.